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Tag Archives: Economics
Move over Musk, Bezos and Branson, here comes competition!
Now all we need to do is put an end to all that innovation-killing safety regulation regime the Leftist gubmints impose! Otherwise, the Chai-knees will be building missile silos and Panda Expresses on the Moon!
Musk wants to build a “company town,” not a Utopia
It’s been making the rounds all day in the news. Obviously Musk’s perfect place would never be anywhere close to Austin, even the NeoLiberal city government doesn’t legally back slavery. So he’s bought property around Bastrop, a somewhat distant ‘burb with … Continue reading
RIP Barbara Ehrenreich
Barbara was a great writer and activist who told it like it is! Like most, I never heard of her until she published Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America which came out in 2001. Even then, Barbara was … Continue reading
Biden’s student loan forgiveness is a pitiful start
Took Grampa’ Brunch long enough to do the bare fucking minimum on this issue. And right on cue, the Republicans, Corporate Shills and their Right-Wing Noise Machine ramped up their hollow, hypocritical counter point…never mind all the PPP loans they … Continue reading
Remember, Wall Street and NeoLiberals hate you
Chairman Powell is leading the charge to make sure Grampa’ Brunch will be a one-term POTUS after the Democrats get slaughtered this November, which will make the Bears’ only Super Bowl victory resemble a “mere dustup.” He and his shit … Continue reading
The January 6 Hearings
As the Democrats…no, the NeoLiberal Dumbfuck Party, sail head first into their drubbing this November, putting Amerika one step closer to a Christo-Fascist dictatorship under Ron DeSantis, they think televising their findings will prevent it. They’re thinking it will be … Continue reading
Ohio’s campaign to stop their negative trend by being negative!
I have let this lame campaign of bullshit go on long enough but during this Moontower Comedyfest, one comedian put Ohio in its place…It’s Amerika’s Cheesecake Factory, which means it’s the center of our nation’s decline via overpriced crap and mediocrity. … Continue reading
The latest dispatch from “No Shit” April 2022 edition
As always, the corporate media of Austin finally posts the obvious regarding the Austin real estate market. Travis and Williamson County are now unaffordable? NO! It couldn’t be all the greedy vultures pestering me via SMS to buy my house … Continue reading
Millenials can’t get a break with Boomers
I can completely relate since I heard a similar litany spoken in 2000 when I was a younger person in the Eighties. Then the 2008 counterattack was “You didn’t listen to me and got a degree in something completely useless … Continue reading
Why I don’t miss cable/satellite TV 2022
I’m only a fair-weathered sports fan, aka I tend to watch Packers’ games when they play the Bears or they’re in the playoffs. However, I would say that meme is spot-on whenever I watch Fox’s Animation Domination Sundays or Futurama‘s brief … Continue reading
One element of videogame-based D&D I hate
For those who don’t get it, the comic is mocking (to me) how crappy the AI is in games, especially console-based ones. This is why I prefer to play in person, get the interaction and figure out the real haggling. … Continue reading
Dell tells us how small he is while showing his ignorance
You can always expect a billionaire, college dropout to demonstrate his ignorance when it comes to History, Economics, Fiscal Policy and anything involving government. Being a Sociopath who fucked everyone over to get to their wealth was their priority since … Continue reading
I was right about FaceBook, the Media was late…again
I try avoiding schadenfreude or saying “I told you so,” but last Friday I was vindicated by what I’ve said about FeceBook for years, it’s a corporation worth nothing and built on sand, rainbows and bullshit. The svengoolies of Wall … Continue reading →