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Tag Archives: Sick
I spoke too soon about my well-being, caught a cold
I was off to a great start this week, hell, this year then I came down with the first big cold for 2020! I tried to power through with HEB’s really bitchin’ chicken-noodle soup they sell in the pre-made meal … Continue reading
Down but not out or alone
The first culprit on why the site was “dark” for another week can be blamed on the flu. Although I got a flu shot last Friday, I did ask the nurse, I’ve gotten sick despite being inoculated. The response was, … Continue reading
Mostly recovered and digging out
Spent another week recuperating and a follow-up with the clinic. I was definitely on the mend, all that remained was getting decent rest and re-hydrating. I also shoo’d away my snowflake aunt who had no moral superiority to stand on … Continue reading
Been super sick and still super sick
What began as just sore joints (all of them) that I thought I could sleep off while taking it easy…transformed into something much, much worse and it’s a total pain in the ass. The doctor took blood work and x-rays … Continue reading
Feeling somewhat better, let’s see what Monday holds
Other than a sore throat and a developing cavity in a back molar (these things are inevitable in life), I’m mostly over the flu. All the lost time to be productive and enjoy things down the toilet. I did manage … Continue reading
Happy New Year?
And so the calendar turns over to another year and I got to be ill physically and mentally again for it. Rather annoying too. I plan to move up my appointment with the doc since there have been some rather … Continue reading
Rainy days, recovering temperature and malaise
We got through our first cold snap(s) for Winter ’14 to ’15 and it still sucked compared to the regions accustomed to this crap. What I thought I had licked re-appeared Sunday night, knocked me down for a couple days. … Continue reading
Annoying kink in my first Tim Cook day
Somara likes to blame me whenever she comes down with a cold so I guess this was her revenge. Last week she dodged getting seriously ill while I weathered it just fine…until the temperature around Austin plummeted and I woke up … Continue reading