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Category Archives: History
1992: The Cartoon Network begins! Part 1: The salad years
Cartoon and Cable Television history were made on this day! Oddly, I was living in a market lucky enough to have it on day one. I used to feel the same way about the Sci-Fi Channel but everybody soured on … Continue reading
Posted in History, TV
Tagged Animation, Cartoon Network, Cartoons, Nineties, Saturday Morning
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Rot in Hell Ken Starr & Lowry Mays
Two more assholes who made Amerika the shit storm it is today finally died. The former most people know, he was the guy behind the vendetta to undo Slick Willie being elected twice. Starr had a special hard-on to get … Continue reading
Posted in History, Music, TV
Tagged Celebrity Obituary, FM Radio, Nineties, Politics
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The Victims of Communism Museum opened this Summer
What a load of crap! I’m just grateful no tax dollars being pissed away on this right-wing masturbation hideout. However, should Herr DeSantis or the other qualified Fascists get installed, we can count on tax money going there along with … Continue reading
I have very little sorrow for the Queen of England
Other than being one of the wealthiest people on welfare, her existence meant little… beyond showing how the US isn’t the only country against socio-political progress. I will never understand why so many Americans, especially women, get all caught up … Continue reading
Farewell Mikhail Gorbachev
Given how poorly things are going in Russia and the former Soviet Republics, Gorbachev will often be remembered in a positive light, despite agreeing with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. He also represented some major shifts over there which … Continue reading
Biden’s student loan forgiveness is a pitiful start
Took Grampa’ Brunch long enough to do the bare fucking minimum on this issue. And right on cue, the Republicans, Corporate Shills and their Right-Wing Noise Machine ramped up their hollow, hypocritical counter point…never mind all the PPP loans they … Continue reading
America’s Geritocracy gets strengthened
Yesterday, the Democratic Party of Amerika demonstrated how much it really doesn’t give a crap about the future, or democracy, with its flawed primaries. To be fair, the ancient, NeoLiberal, Boomer-dominated faction is to blame, they’re known as the … Continue reading
1977: Elvis found dead
Another weird moment from that Summer we were dumped off at Grandma’s while my parents were on vacation in Canada. Elvis Presley, the guy who ushered in the Rock n’ Roll Era, influenced millions, irritated even more parents and was … Continue reading
1977: Enterprise makes its only (known) flight
Today is the day this month’s header is explained because I remember the event pretty clearly…it’s when NASA demonstrated their new space shuttle’s capability to glide in for a landing. What really sucked (and would suck) was how long America’s … Continue reading
Domino’s Pizza closing its last 33 locations in Italy
What were they thinking in the first place? Of all the fast food chains to bring there, Domino’s is pretty low on the list, right along with Starbucks, Little Caesars and Olive Garden. In their defense, we could speculate that … Continue reading
RIP David McCullough
Sad to hear the passing of David and it was weird to be notified via the mailing list of a publishing company. Normally I find out through Twitter or the newspaper sites. Still a major loss to the world because … Continue reading
1932: Hoover orders MacArthur to finish off the Bonus Army
I know my birthday is a time for joy but I wanted to bring up the 90th anniversary of this horrendous event which demonstrates how little the American government, especially the Republicans, cares about its war vets. So whenever you … Continue reading
1977: The Great NYC Blackout…of the Seventies
Although I wasn’t there, in New York, I do remember the events adequately because it was freaky to my eight-year-old brain. My parents were watching a movie (Made for Each Other, had to look it up!) on CBS/Channel 3, WCIA … Continue reading
Well…SCOTUS has now reached peak irrelevance
It’s now official, the Minority Government in power hates women and poor people. This crap rationale of the most incredible verbal, philosophical yoga will be remembered when Amerikan Democracy went from dying to almost no pulse. I figured the country’s … Continue reading
Posted in History, News
Tagged Current Events, Eighties, Marquette, Opinion, Politics
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A call back to the “simpler days”
Namely that time when the GOP tried to overthrow the rightfully elected and re-elected POTUS for cheating on his wife which hadn’t happened in like…never. I would go out on a limb to say that the philanders are in the … Continue reading