Yesterday was a Bizarro Bizarro dream come true

Can’t believe my personal wishes went two for two. Honestly, I figured Chicagoans would panic and vote for the “law and order” douchebag after what a horrible mayor Lightfoot was. Wisconsin wasn’t a complete surprise since enough residents are finally realizing what a disaster the FitzWalkerStan years have been.

The tools at MSNBC and limo liberals shouldn’t be popping the champagne corks just yet. When center-left politicians (yes, judges are politicians), land the job, it doesn’t mean rainbows and unicorn crap until the next cycle. Even the overrated, “saintly” RBG screwed the public as she often sided with corporations in numerous decisions. Lightfoot allegedly had the backing of progressives too. I think her 180 was going to happen regardless of COVID. Never trust a former prosecutor unless they have a good track record putting dirty cops in prison where they belong.

To my Republican friends, I do not consider this revenge nor do I want these people to carry retaliation. I want these two officials to restore fairness: WI’s congressional districts are complete bullshit in how the population is laid out, the majority of Wisconsinites also want to keep abortion legal and Chicagoans need someone who will get their government to work for them, not to line the pockets of shit birds Emmanual and Daley, both of which should be in prison cells next to Bernie Madoff.

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Saw the doctor yesterday, I’ll live

Had to go back in order to get a refill on my irb-something which is for high blood pressure. Yeah, how 25-year-old me would be impressed at 54-year-old me. I know neither version is thrilled about this upcoming birthday, I’m eligible for all the Sr. Citizen crap I so despise! I will order for the menu only because I need to eat less but I will continue to pay full citizen price to help out society. Really!

Anyway, the usual crap came up. Stop being a pig. You need to have a colonoscopy (aka tube up my butt as per the great Dennis Wolfberg skit), Now I need to have a test to see how much, if any, plaque is building up around my heart. The test would only be great if they find some this weird calcium and they can transplant it to my teeth!

Overall, I’m still pretty good given how poorly lifespans were in the recent past. Oh, that’s infected? Amputate! This could be cured with antibiotics, how rich are you?

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Kittens have been found, Mama Rhea is not pleased

Jennifer stumbled upon Remus and Romulus by accident this afternoon by opening one of her drawers on her side of the bed. The very cunning, but not completely brilliant Rhea carried the kittens to our headboard/bookshelf where this an opening to get under the bed and between the drawers. She then placed them in a drawer from the back, not knowing we hoo-mans can pull these things out from the exterior. Jennifer snapped this picture of Rhea being rather pissed over her hiding spot’s exposure.

Everybody is back to the playpen and Rhea will be more closely monitored. Romulus’ eyes are fully open. Remus is getting there. I know in time, Rhea will thanks us for all our help. I just hope she will feel the same once Aggie starts to groom them too, it’s a sign he likes another cat (he does this to Isis).

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RIP Seymour Stein

You may not know his name but you may know his label, Sire Records. You better know the numerous artists he signed: The Ramones, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads, The Smiths, everything but the girl and (unfortunately) Madonna. Although Sire was founded in the Seventies, a band on this label in the Eighties it meant Gen Xers such as me would like the artist. OK, not Madonna, ugh. Ice-T, yes.

Thanks for everything Seymour, especially for being a Boomer who had better tastes than your peers! Your roster became a big part of my upbringing and musical education.

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In honor of D&D the movie…

…I decided to make my header Krull, the original attempt to make a D&D-based film but fell through and thankfully was recycled into a pretty good B-level Fantasy flick. It even stars the late Robbie Coltrane and big fave Liam Neeson when they were nobodies! Didn’t have any luck seeing in a theater 40 years ago. Much of my 1983 Summer was spent either getting acquainted with our new digs off the Gulf Freeway (Houston ‘burbs) or fixing up our house in Springfield (most of July).

The people behind it probably hoped it would be a bigger hit than ‘cult’ fave. I remember there was a cabinet-based video game for it. Its controls were pretty similar to Robotron. Can’t recall if any other promotions were tied to Krull.

I think the movie continues to hold up. It has numerous cool characters and elements: the cyclops, the shapeshifter, the woman of the web and the fire steeds. If the movie tanked, I’m sure those things I listed earlier made their way into a million D&D campaigns within days of other teen boys attending.

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1973: First cell phone call made

It was made in NYC, on the street by some guy with Motorola (I think they’re dead and buried) taunting a dude who was his rival at Bell Labs. According to the interview on NPR, the phone was the size of a brick or loaf of bread yet weighed like the brick. It only had 20 minutes of battery life…some things never change. Now the spam and soliciting has never stopped!

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Mama Rhea outwits us humans

Stupid me for giving mama cat “me time” to wander the house and be herself between the two-hour intervals of feeding the kittens. While Jennifer was napping and I was doing paperwork (bills, writing), Rhea used her opportunity to hide Romulus and Remus. I’m guessing her first gripe was us humans handling them, getting them acclimated to being around people. The other might be to keep the other cats from attacking the kittens while they’re helpless. Rhea doesn’t know our clowder very well, they’re either all hissing with no bite or they’re just curious cowards.

Wish us well in our hunt! We need to find them before they decide to use it as a litter box.

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Sadly, this isn’t too far from the truth in Texas

Austin’s more left-leaning, weekly publication, the Austin Chronicle posted their annual April Fool’s joke a day early. But much like The Onion, given how bat-shit crazy, cynical and stupid the Texas Republican-dominated gubmint is, this isn’t too far off on how they’d solve my adopted state’s teacher-retention problems. I quickly shared it with my cousin Dana in Florida. Her first reaction was, “DeSantis better not see this or else he’ll try to one up Texas.” I guessed Meatball Ron would throw in a day-pass to a religious theme park since Disney outmaneuvered his goon-packed takeover; sucks when you have to applaud the evil corporation over an evil government.

I willingly admit I was suckered for a bit until the part with the tip jar. Republicans don’t allow their enemies benefits of any sort without taxing the crap out of it. Should the TEA and other organizations convert it into bribes…I mean, campaign contributions, then it would be OK.

Sadly, there is another element actually happening, the bullshit charter movement. I have been an opponent of this bait-and-switch GOP game since college. Back when I was at Marquette, there was this upper classman working at Public Safety who did nothing but blather on how it would solve Milwaukee’s problems. The main strategy in his litany hasn’t changed to this day, firing “bad” teachers being the cornerstone. Somehow the magic of the market and the invisible hand would result in only quality education staffing since charters would be right-to-screw employers. Libertarians are such terrible and naive liars. We all know what the plan is when mainstream Republicans like it and have a boner. Charters are part of the long-term war against education for the majority.

  1. Starve public schools of taxpayers’ money by diverting it to private schools. Good luck getting your kid into the “good ones.” The average household won’t get dick to cover those costs. Besides, I should get a check too. I may not have children, but I do pony up over $2000/year to PISD and the lege gives me the other six.
  2. With public schools gutted, the teaching unions can be destroyed next because only Amerika’s corrupt cop unions donate to the GOP. TEA and NES may protect a bad teacher now and then but the cops go to the mat to protect murderers.
  3. Charters with “good” scores are bullshit. They cherry-pick their students unlike public ones saddled with special-needs children. Charters and religious schools love practicing open racism too. There’s one in NC demanding American Indian boys to cut their hair.
  4. The “affordable” charters available for the pittance the Republicans pay, will most likely be the fly-by-night scams the Bush Family has been involved with. Remember the saying, if it’s too good to be true…it is. Ergo, thousands of non-affluent/rich kids will be screwed out of a decent education and their chances at university. How the One Percent prefers it, unless the kid is good at sports.
  5. Now comes the endgame for the GOP! Education is really infrastructure, namely in how it maintains a well-informed electorate. In a generation, Amerika could have a dumbass movement dwarfing the MAGAts in gullibility. For the GOP, it’s easy with poorly educated people via terrible schooling or the rampant ignorance religious schools promote. Case in point, the White South African-run regime of the recent past kept the Black majority starved of vital funding for education amongst other things. Now they’re no longer in power and South Africa is a mess when it could’ve been an economically successful land with a healthy democracy. Instead it is devolving into another kleptocracy. This is the Republican Utopia.
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Cast Away

Another movie I decided to watch out of self hate I guess. Given the performance, story line and how a modern-day Robinson Crusoe could pan out; another book which will be modified for the thin-skinned faux liberal peal clutchers; this would’ve worked better as a miniseries. Here’s why, much of the movie establishes Tom Hanks’ character on who he is, what he does, his dedication to FedEx and what he is about to lose. Then the film’s majority covers his initial time being stranded, surviving, trying to keep insanity at bay , how he’s acclimated and his eventual attempt at escape. By now, the movie is creeping up at two hours and the audience is getting bored/restless. So all his troubles re-adjusting to civilization alongside his fiancée marrying their dentist gets rushed. The second half is equally compelling! Could Cast Away run three hours? Sure! This was released on the cusp of The Lord of the Rings trilogy which were all long and nobody worried then, nor participated in the now popular bitching about how long MCU stuff is. Given this being a Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis flick, I bet they could’ve pushed for an intermission from the powers that be in Hollywood.

However, is Cast Away any good? Yes. Was it Oscar® worthy? I don’t know. The Academy prefers more boring crap despite it being released during the tiny window when the Oscar voters actually go to (or remember) the movies. I’d put Hanks in the running since he had to act with just a volleyball (creating an equally overused joke like The Matrix did) and be inventive via all the cargo washing up from his FedEx jet.

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RIP Mark Russell

Love him or hate him, The Simpsons sure did (not really, may writers went to Ivy League Schools so they’re even more in on his jokes), Mark Russell was an acquired taste even for diehard PBS viewers. Some members of Gen X may remember him being a minor member of Real People. Being a dorky kid who followed politics somewhat after the election of Carter, I didn’t mind Mark. I felt his humor was on par with MAD in how he often used standards with his musical jokes about current events and the DC cabal. His quarterly program was usually something my grandparents liked to watch too. Not sure why. I figure they knew the tunes but not always who he was mocking since Grandma thought all the Kennedys could walk on water and Grandpa hated everybody elected. At least he skewered them all equally and as comedian Dave Anthony said on Twitter, “Was always such an indictment of the people in DC that this guy had a career.” I’m going to defer to Dave’s hatred of the status quo and not as shit talk about Mark.

I want to bring up one of his best bits mocking the GOP’s 1984 convention in Dallas.

I’d say his easy joke remains rather spot-on 39 years later. Today, we’d add horizontal black stripes representing all their flunkies in prison for January 6th even though we know they were orange jumpsuits or blue outfits in prisons now.

Farewell Mark and thanks for everything!

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Why the March ’23 Header Art?

The month is nearly over so I will finally explain/blather on why the header art I went with Monty Python’s: The Meaning of Life. March is the 40th anniversary of its release in US theaters plus it’s the first full-length movie of theirs I saw. It’s definitely the closest to what their sketch comedy was like too. Don’t get me wrong, Life of Brian and The Holy Grail continue to hold up, make me laugh. It’s just those two have their humor driven by the larger narrative. Life can still get away with eight-plus skits strung together as their silly explanation on what’s it all about?

Of course when I saw it, I had to go about it surreptitiously. My good friend freshman year at Strake, Gene, hell, his parents took him to see it in a theater around 1983. Given my overbearing mother, I was lucky to see reruns of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Anyway, two years later, Life was part of Showtime’s array of films in late 1985. So I programmed the family VCR to record it alongside Repo Man and I think Bachelor Party before we left North Dakota to celebrate Christmas at Grandma’s house in Central IL. Dad and I flew back before New Year’s, I remained on Winter Break so boom, Dad went to work and I spent a morning watching movies while eating cereal. I was 17 by then and old enough to view an R-rated movie anyway, I just wouldn’t be allowed to avoid my mother’s bitching about the nudity.

Most jokes continue to nail things on the head. Americans talk too much. Americans are rather ignorant about philosophy. The English keep forgetting they don’t have an empire and no one cares what they think. Given we remain within centimeters of self-destruction via nuclear war, AI or climate change 40 years later, we’re certainly not much smarter despite all the gadgets we’ve developed after the analog world the Pythons mocked.

I need to find out which streaming service it’s own to watch again. As I age, my favorite jokes change and my reasons hopefully have evolved.

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What could possibly go wrong with DPS covering Austin?

For those of you not familiar with Texas’ weird naming conventions, DPS is Department of Public Safety and what they call the State Troopers. It’s a rather weird choice. Sounds like something from the French Revolution under the Jacobins but given their racism and love of force on non-Whites, it’s really Orwellian.

Hence, we in the area aren’t thrilled over shitty Mayor Kirk Watson (who wasn’t very great in the Nineties) asking DPS to help patrol and cover patches due to APD’s low staffing. It’s not really necessary because violent crime is down six percent for the city. It’s probably happening due to stupid NeoLiberal reasons; my guess. Either Watson is using this as a tactic to bring the Cop Union back to the negotiations over their next bloated contract or he wants to continue the idiotic sense of compromise with our shitty governor and lt. governor. The Republicans have a hardon as this will play into their fiction of Austin as a lawless, failed city on par with Beirut in the Eighties.

Watson is willfully ignorant on how badly it went when Dallas employed DPS to fill the void on its south side. In short, DPS thought stop n’ frisk was their mandate and how to earn the community’s hearts and minds, especially when they shot a person 16 times over a routine traffic stop.

Wish us luck and may it not turn into something you’ll be seeing on the news.

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Meet our Spring ’23 Fosters!

Trying to do our part for the millions of homeless cats and it’s Spring, which means the mammals of the Norther Hemisphere do their thing. Thankfully we got in early so this will be an easier fostering job, only two kittens! Above is the mama, Rhea who you can see if nestled in very well with her new surroundings; a special crib-thing/playpen for her and two boys…Romulus (orange) and Remus (gray). The kittens are about a week old as they haven’t opened their eyes yet and they’re still at the stage when they resemble disgusting little mice more than the cats they’ll grow up to be.

Meanwhile, the Maggi Clowder (yeah, I thought cats were a Pride) sense there’s a presence in the house they vaguely know but can’t put their paws on it. I’m very excited for the boys to get big enough to play. I bought a new tunnel, Nubby crapped on my original one, maybe we should call him Zeke; when the kittens get playful, I hope Agamemnon will shine as he teaches them how to be house cats. He was so close last year but London was a psychopath.

More updates as they happen!

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A little appetizer from the D&D movie next weekend

Twitter isn’t a complete toilet. Some polite pundits, artists and comedians have kept their presence. One named Cory Doctorow posts some great memories or links to retro stuff. I couldn’t resist this Tumblr dedicated to the Olden Days of D&D when the game was still gaining ground, the creators were learning/evolving and we just didn’t have the kick-ass technology for minis! Hell, beyond traditional dice (six sided), even the game’s dice were crap. The ones you depended upon from the starter set, it was common for them to develop chips and/or have points that didn’t meet up correctly, creating a cheat/lucky die with some of my friends. Natural “20” my ass James! Today, you can even find dice with an odd number of sides (three) or ranges no one thinks about (30, 40).

Back to the site. It’s fun to go over from time to time. Remembering all the potential and excitement D&D held for me when was just 13-16. Much of the art was sub-par but nobody cared. Any kind of rendering helped.

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Carry on, another near miss and Michael Bay fodder

Can’t believe this hasn’t made the rounds via Social Media nor the headlines for news updates. As per the NPR story, the asteroid will pass tonight, missing the earth (and moon) by thousands of miles. I think NPR was on to me because I noticed, you can watch the cheesy disaster movie Meteor starring Sean Connery and Natalie Wood on YouTube for free if you don’t mind the annoying ads popping in at random points.

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