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Tag Archives: Sexual Politics
Mandatory photo for Health Classes and you know…
Not sure if this would’ve made a dent in all the teen pregnancies I encountered up in “real” ‘Murica, aka North Dakota. How its numerous teens alleviated their incredible boredom and lack of smarts was how Amerika got to 300+ … Continue reading
Austin loses yet another beloved artist to the GOP Fascists
Since we know the Republicans have been out of any good ideas after the Roosevelts, they continue to be the Hate Party by picking on transgender people, namely children. Thanks to Gov. Abbott, who is also in a wheelchair but … Continue reading
Bugs Bunny making a valid ‘pride’ point against morons
OK, there is one flaw in the argument. Anyone younger than Gen X probably doesn’t know what an anvil is. I too have dressed up as a cheerleader (thank you Anecia Hafner) and one of my favorite misanthropes, Patsy Stone … Continue reading
Some seriously lame propaganda I want to rip on
Since Orange Foolius was in Austin yesterday to continue his grift train with the Ron Paul and Joe Rogan morons while getting the residents of Reaganstan to dare visit my “crime-ridden” home, I want to poke fun at this sloppy … Continue reading
Gen Con & San Diego Comic Con for Dumb Bros & Proud Boys
I can already smell the horrible mixture of Axe Body Spray, Teslas and Failure. I’m not exactly sure the world needs more “Alphas” such as these clones. Obviously, the people behind this gathering in the Mormon Vatican have never read Brave … Continue reading
Painfully true with many fan boys
I’ve never understood the “political” accusation. A gay couple kissing on TV has little to do with politics since there are gay men with horrendous Right-Wing politics: Roy Cohn, Peter Thiel and we all know even if he doesn’t…Lindsey Graham. … Continue reading
SCOTUS rules in favor of expanding Title VII
I got the good news from my friend Matthew first and it’s a good thing because he’s a lawyer and could dumb it down for me. In short, SCOTUS ruled in a 6-3 decision (all four Liberals with Justices Roberts … Continue reading
The Invisible Man (2020): Worth Seeing
Another reason why I’m glad Universal’s Dark Universe (aka, “re-imagining” their monster properties) crashed harder than Windows CE. Their 1999 take on The Mummy was still good. It didn’t need Tom Cruise repeating his Mission: Impossible crap and then meeting Mr. Hyde to set … Continue reading
Slut in a Good Way: Worth Seeing
The message of this Quebecois comedy is the double standard between the sexes. Namely how women get labelled sluts and men are congratulated for the exact same behavior. Let me rewind to the movie. Charlotte is a teenage girl enamored … Continue reading
Posted in In Theaters, Movies
Tagged Coming-of-Age, Dark Comedy, Quebecois, Sexual Politics
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