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Monthly Archives: February 2022
Day Eight of the floors, it’s over! Dream & Nightmare!
More than one thing is off our collective backs. We wrapped up the floors tonight and maybe they’ll come in to clean, for all our care, I just want the furniture put back to where it used to be. I’ll … Continue reading
Six Million Steps!!!
Pedometer announced I cross the six million mark! Getting to this quickly after hitting five in August I credit to the house remodel, moving around the hotel and several trips to Costco. Nothing like the latter will put on a … Continue reading
Day Seven of the floors, will it ever end?
It’s starting feel like Finals Week at Marquette but it’s longer than a week and I have two exams every day, including the weekends. Above we’re hanging out in will be and had been, my office. It’s the bigger of … Continue reading
RIP Ivan Reitman
Ivan has a rather checkered record for me. He was involved with some major movies as a producer, writer and director which are a part of the West’s lexicon and shared experience. I just don’t find the majority to be … Continue reading
Day Six of the floors, will it ever end?
Another morning of sleeping in pissed away. On the upside, the dumpster people towed away their part, thus missing the deadline the nosey HOA was going to fine me. I should rent one more often as part of a Spring … Continue reading
Day Five of the floors, it’s kinda’ going and no new pictures
We’re at the stage I call Zeno’s Paradox, which is really Zeno’s dichotomy paradox because he came up with many. The dichotomy one involving cutting the distance in half, then that in half, then in half, ad infinitum, is his most famous so it … Continue reading
Contrite mea culpa bingo card
Joe Rogan continues to be the shitty, unwanted gift Austin received during the Pandemic and now he has been outed for saying racist and moronic things. Just like Louis CK or Brett Kavanaugh, instead of sincerely apologizing and cleaning up … Continue reading
Day Four of the floors, not much to report that’s interesting
Spot the difference? Yes, Isis is lying on the Star Wars blanket which is now resting on the new ceramic tiles in the room which will be designated Jennifer’s office. We moved there today because they’re now working on the master bedroom, … Continue reading
Futurama is back baby! Again, no wait, maybe, take your pick
Yesterday’s announcement stating that Hulu ordered 20 new episodes of Futurama on the day Netflix released Disenchantment‘s latest 10 (making it the fourth season), sounded rather auspicious to me. Does this mean Disenchantment is over given how impatient Netflix is? They have cancelled … Continue reading
Orwellian version of Spot the Difference as per the GOP
I have hated the cops in general ever since I lived in Milwaukee. They were the police department I saw up close that demonstrated how they don’t serve the public but instead they are a little mafia. More correctly, a … Continue reading
Day Three of the floors, Isis isn’t impressed
A rare moment of Isis being near me, overlooking my portable to see what I’m doing. Despite her resting jerk face, she’s actually relaxed and happy if she’s this close to me and her eyes aren’t bugged out, waiting for … Continue reading
Day Two of the floors, hotel living is getting old
As you can see from the photo above of the room traditionally called my office (I need to come up with a better name), the crew knocked it out pretty quickly and well. What remains to be done: the baseboard, … Continue reading
RIP Douglas Trumbull
Douglas was a huge pioneer in special effects, namely with Science Fiction. He cut his teeth with Kubrick via 2001 because the prickly director liked his work on a documentary for the World’s Fair about going to the Moon. This led … Continue reading
Posted in Movies, TV
Tagged Cyberpunk, Dystopia, Eighties, Science Fiction, Seventies, Star Trek
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Better late than never? We’ll know in a few days
The cold snap is officially over and after some veiled threats with the contractor, the new floor is under way. You’re seeing what little they’ve achieved with 2:30 PM start. Remember, we’re talking about Austin Time. To be fair to this … Continue reading
1997: The Simpsons introduce Poochie as a poke at toxic fans
A favorite episodes of the show which I still quote to this day, especially with burning hatred of the executive caste in all professions; they’re slowly killing civilization and I’m sure their ancestors destroyed every ancient empire with their idiocy. … Continue reading →