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Monthly Archives: December 2021
Farewell 2021, you sucked less than 2020…so, thanks?
Well…it wasn’t as crappy as 2020 is about I could say about 2021. The year got going with a big scare thanks to Freedumb Fighters, MAGAts and Ammosexuals. So will that be the closest attempt at Girth Vader attempting the Reichstag … Continue reading
Meet Metztli
Don’t let the grumpy-looking face fool you. It went away pretty quickly! Metztli is very focused on eating because she was starving. How do you pronounce the name I gave her? Since it’s the Aztec goddess of the moon, it’s … Continue reading
RIP John Madden
I thought a little levity was necessary over John’s passing. Above is a glitch from EA’s Madden ’92 whenever an injured player needed to be carried off the field. Now as for my knowledge and fandom of football, well it’s not … Continue reading
Posted in Arcade Games, Console, TV
Tagged Celebrity Obituary, Football, NFL, Seventies
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More Alex Jones’ products that were not tested soundly
Side effects may include your body resembling Gritty’s ass.
RIP Desmond Tutu
He was a pretty amazing and fortunate figure in how he helped fight apartheid in South Africa. In some regimes, organized religion is complicit with tyranny, regardless of a person’s color or ethnicity. However, he rightfully chose to speak out and … Continue reading
KMAG played its 2.6 millionth song!
Today would the be last day for 2021 for me to change up and add mp3s to my 19-year-old stream. I also got off my butt to check the logs and add the data about what has been played since … Continue reading
Festa dei Sette Pesci 2021!
A new year, a new opportunity, a new menu and a new (and better) person to share this great experience with! Austin’s genuine, ass-kicking Italian bistro L’oca D’oro (The Golden Goose) held up my newish tradition…Feast of the Seven Fishes. … Continue reading
Ginger-Zed Men!
To all you Mills and younger, these cookies represent Zed, Sean Connery’s character in the cult movie Zardoz. They are not Borat cookies with the swimsuit in the wrong color.
A solid piece on how America is heading toward Fascism
Jason Stanley’s piece in today’s Guardian will fall on deaf ears much like Bob Garfield’s two-part podcast about the American Right’s long game of 40 years to topple democracy. We know these two will be dismissed right away by George Will and … Continue reading
Current Exercise Streak ends at 23
I know that doesn’t sound like a very impressive number but given how lazy, fat and apathetic I got during the Pandemic. What about the bike you bought last year? It tends to work out on weekends more often. I … Continue reading
The joys of home remodeling
This weekend, Jennifer made good with a promise or a threat, it felt like the latter sometimes, due to my pride. Yup, she gave my house’s two full bathrooms a thorough cleaning since I only know how to “boy clean” … Continue reading
Sen. Mansion saying “no” wasn’t a shock
What’s really sad is how the Establishment Dems have called the Squad and Bernie supporters the naive ones. Meanwhile, the old farts who won’t have to live with the consequences have failed the human race once again. Thanks to their … Continue reading
Happy Caturday December 2021!
I guess with the Great Resignation, Jiffy Lube, Mr. Good Wrench, etc., have had to look into hiring cats with the workload. As shown here, it is not working out given all the spontaneous naps our feline friends are prone … Continue reading
So painfully true, Dec ’21 version
Then comes the “not all Christians…” yes, yes, just as not all Muslims are humorless types who lose their collective shit over any depiction of Muhammed, etc. However, Christianity, especially the Calvinist branch, needs to do something about the KKKristians … Continue reading