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Monthly Archives: May 2022
1977: First Chuck E Cheese opens!
Flush with all his Atari fortune from Warner Communications buying his successful startup, Nolan Bushnell opened what would become a mainstay of the early Eighties…Chuck E Cheese Pizza Time Theatre. I guess he saw the near future better than others. … Continue reading
My weight got under 260!
Mucca sacra! I can’t believe I didn’t blather about this minor accomplishment sooner, namely immediately after I got off the scale Saturday morning. I’ve lost track since I was this light but I know it’s in the range of years. I … Continue reading
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Some painting before the new (overdue) furniture arrives
Yesterday, was joint painting day. As in Jennifer and I worked together on putting a couple coats on a master bedroom wall (or three) before the new stuff arrives. Reliving my college summers as a member of the Marquette Paint … Continue reading
Some seriously lame propaganda I want to rip on
Since Orange Foolius was in Austin yesterday to continue his grift train with the Ron Paul and Joe Rogan morons while getting the residents of Reaganstan to dare visit my “crime-ridden” home, I want to poke fun at this sloppy … Continue reading
Cambridge has taken over Aggie’s bed!
The foster kittens are growing and growing as expected. Now they’ve evolved to the “full-of-hell mode,” running everywhere, constantly ambushing anything moving and wrestling each other to the floor. When it gets too rough, you hear the squealing of pain … Continue reading
Another great take on how NFTs will pan out, like crypto!
NFT and Crypto Bullshit were a frequent unwanted guest and topic at the most recent SXSW. Throw in the Toxic Bro’ Culture which goes alongside such con games and it made a pyramid scam so huge, the founders of Amway … Continue reading
Allergies are a nightmare this Summer
This morning I woke up and my head felt as if the insides were scrambled by the hand mixer I bought earlier this year. It would be nice to use that appliance again but I think one of the floor … Continue reading
1942: SS Virginia sunk in Mississippi River by Germans
Rather odd how this little incident is often never mentioned in our History text books. It demonstrates how unprepared and vulnerable the US was on the Gulf Coast. To be fair, the headline didn’t have enough space to state it … Continue reading
Messed up my beard
If you’ve seen me around Austin for the last several days, yes, I do look like Colonel Sanders and that wasn’t on purpose. Earlier in the week, I was reining in the boundaries of my beard…D’oh! I overshot the borderline … Continue reading
Farewell iPod: 2001 to 2022
I think the number one reason for the iPod’s demise is the rise of streaming and improved cellular/wireless availability. Jennifer has some kind of unlimited plan which enables her to play a music service through her phone constantly. Throw in … Continue reading
Check out my new LED-enhanced dice!
Chupacabracon (number eight) has come and gone. At least it was in person this year after a couple went down the crapper, I just can’t do the virtual thing. It’s too close to being on par with playing a computer … Continue reading
RIP George Perez
I hope the world gives me a break for a while on all these damned obits I’ve been writing as another great in comic books passed Friday. Sadly, George’s passing was a matter of when since he had been diagnosed … Continue reading
Cuddle puddle on the couch!
The fosters may not have grown noticeably in the physical department but in the kitten or personality areas, they are now all over the house. They go from zero to 60 back to zero in a matter of minutes, aka … Continue reading
Tokyo achieved!
I’m pretty behind on achieving this destination as I slacked in February thanks to the Floor Stooges, recuperated a tad in March, then repeated the slacking in April for reasons I cannot remember as being valid. For May I’m really … Continue reading
I think I got my $15K’s worth
To give you a better idea of its scale, this puppy is bigger than either front-loading washer or dryer and I think most people know how large those things are. It’s almost taller than Jennifer’s daughter and Cheyenne is unusually … Continue reading